Project Description

REACH OUT – Developing adequate support for LBTIQ women and non-binary gender-based violence survivors
Project goals
The main goal of the project is to ensure the availability and adequate support and protection for LBTIQ women and non-binary persons who are survivors of gender-based violence in Croatia.
The specific goals are: 1. To strengthen the capacities of women’s and LBTIQ organisations and counselling centres to make their services inclusive for LBTIQ women and non-binary persons and to 2. to contribute to the development of existing prevention systems and fight against GBV in the direction of including specific needs of LBTIQ women and non-binary persons.
Project Description
With this project we will provide space for connecting and networking between LBTIQ and women’s organisations who want to work actively on developing their services to be LBTIQ inclusive.
Hence, the project will include conducting Research among organizations regarding needs, challenges and experiences in working with LBTIQ women and non-binary persons who survived gender-based violence, creating Guidelines for providing support to LBTIQ women and non-binary persons who survived gender-based violence, and networking event that will bring together representatives of local and national organisations and institutions that provide support to women who survived gender-based violence.
Project is implemented by Lesbian Organisation Rijeka – LORI (Project Coordinator) and SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights (partner organisation) from September 2024 until September 2025. This project is funded by the EuroCentralAsianLesbian* Community and the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the organisations implementing the project, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EuroCentralAsianLesbian* Community, nor of the European Union.
Contact person
Tina Kovačić, program coordinator and office manager,
The project is implemented from 25.9.2024 to 24.9.2025.